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Collaborative playlists made with fellow Instagram users through a
Q and A on instagram stores:
What Makes You Cry?
Is it the lyrics? Does it remind you of that certain memory of that certain person (you know who)? Is there just something to it that gets you every time in some unexplainable way? Do you start to bawl as the chord progression builds up, heavy with emotion? Are you drawn to the minor chords? Sometimes you need to cry to get to the other side of those painful moments in life. It's ok, just let it all out. We're here for each other.
Recommended listening areas, when alone: shower, car, bedroom (when you should be out or doing something but just can't with today), when you are sad about something else but having trouble processing that emotion
Grocery Store Grooving
During quarantine many people were either unable to shop at the grocery store or were encouraged to go much less frequently. This playlist is a chance to listen to all your favorite grocery store jams safety and securely from your own home. Imagine yourself grooving in the aisles, absentmindedly singing along. Subtly sway to beat as you enjoy the earworms that have been finding their way in and making their home on the radio for decades.
Recommended listening areas: Office (especially WFH), in the background at a low key social gathering, at home while hungry, thinking about what to make for dinner
First Loves
Not necessarily your favorite song, maybe it doesn't even hold up, and very unlikely there was only one but here are the songs where you first recognized "oh wow I love music." A particularly fun playlist that includes a few albums in their entirety. Listen and get nostalgic--There's nothing like your first love!
Recommended listening areas: Picnics, hanging out with close friends where retelling the stories you've all heard before is appropriate and welcomed, on a walk outside alone with your thoughts, especially while traveling
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